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An organised October. Getting your garden in good shape,

It's a beautiful month full of autumnal colours, golden hues and first frosts. While it can turn dark and damp, those brighter, crisp days provide a perfect opportunity to get organised.

From tidy ups to cut backs, late harvests to over-winter preparations, there's plenty to keep us busy in the garden this October.

Here's a few key tasks to tackle from our head gardener, Julia.

General maintenance

  • Collect fallen leaves and dead plant material for the compost

  • Prune tall hedging plants while they're dormant

  • If you have a pond, net it to prevent it filling with fallen leaves

  • Give your garden one last good watering before the ground freezes if the soil is dry

  • Raise pots off the ground for the winter with bricks to prevent water-logging.

  • Use the last of the dry weather to paint fences and sheds with preservatives


  • This month is ideal to plant hedges and move trees and shrubs

  • Prune rambling & climbing roses once they've finished flowering

  • Take hardwood cuttings from deciduous shrubs

  • Cut back perennial plants that have died down

  • After tidying borders, mulch with bark chips or well rotted manure to insulate plant roots for the winter

Fruit & Veg

  • Harvest pumpkins and squash before the frosts so they don;'t turn mushy

  • Hang tomato and pepper plants with green fruits upside down indoors to ripen.

  • Protect cauliflower heads from frost by wrapping the outer leaves around them and securing them with string.

  • If you want to grow peas and beans next year, prep the site by digging trenches and filling with manure or kitchen waste.

  • Cut back yellowing asparagus foliage to within 5cm of the ground.

  • Move citrus indoors to a bright, frost free position (4-12°C) away from cold draughts and radiators

  • Remove any diseased fruits from branches or the ground so they don't infect next year's crops

  • Clear the straw from around the base of strawberry plants to increase ventilation.

In the greenhouse

  • Set up your greenhouse heater in case of early frosts.

  • Move tender plants into the greenhouse to protect them from early frosts and leave space around them for ventilation

  • Check any plants which you're bringing inside for aphids and other pests

  • Remove any dead plant material to keep the growing area free fungal disease

Happy gardening!


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